Explore The Power of the Voice with Jeri Brown in scenic Nova Scotia!!




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Jeri Brown Vocal Ecosystems Voice Studio of Lake of the Woods

Located in a scenic woods and lake community of Nova Scotia. 20 minutes from the downtown Halifax, Vocal Ecosystems Voice Studio is located in a pastoral setting in the Lake of the Woods community, providing a perfect atmosphere for restorative thinking and vocal exploration. Minutes from the ocean, the studio is located in a beautiful community of natural splendor, perfect for hiking, walking and biking trails and , swimming, canoeing and water sports, and meditating.

Harness the creative energy of vocal music to heal the body, soothe the mind, and feed the soul. Singers and Speakers experiment, probe, inquire, and discover in group and private sessions! Distinguished Voice Specialist, Jeri Brown, has provided highest quality vocal development instruction in Canada since 1989. In 1995, Ms. Brown began expanding her teaching technique to include younger promising singers, actors and speakers in the Nova Scotia community with an impressive list of emerging artists to her credit. Now available in Atlantic Canada, Vocal Ecosystems Voice Studio offers instruction in vocational presentation technique, and vocal music technique for all ages.

Jeri Brown Vocal Ecosystems Voice Studio of Lake of the Woods

34 Noble Court
Lake of the Woods, Nova Scotia B3Z 1A7 (seniors welcome)

To REGISTER for Group Vocational Presentation, Group Vocals, Private Instruction, Masterclasses or Jazz Vocal Retreat, please send YOUR request to our NEWSLETTER. Include:

First Name, Last Name, E-mail & Your Comments:


Vocalists experiment, probe, inquire, and discover in group and private sessions!

Jeri's E-Store

ORDER today!! (Allow three weeks for shipment after receipt of payment.) 


- Sempre Nina - Tribute to Nina Simone c.d. A must-have vocal celebration of several 'Nina' classics plus new installments from Jeri.

- Vocal Ecosystems c.d. - the ultimate c.d. for exploring some of Jeri's songs explored in Vocal Ecosystems Text. Completes the set!!

Sempre Nina c.d. Vocal Ecosystems c.d.      


Group Vocational Presentation Skills Improvement Classes 2-hour session ($40)

Learn simple practical technique to give confidence and skill when giving effective presentations for your class or job. Excellent for anyone faced with making effectivve communication presentations to smalll and large audiences. Jeri's customized training classes are designed to improve productivity with iimmediate resullt that can be measured. Jeri's Vocational Presentation Skills Improvement Workshops also available on business sights

At Jeri's studio it is important that everyone in the group feels comfortable about sharing their knowledge, and has a lively curiosity to learn more.

Group Singing Classes 1 hour session ($20)

Singing music in a group is one of the most bonding experiences possible, particularly if you have a keen interest in vocal music. Singing music together can provide a sense of its collective self, making each member feel an important and essential part of the harmony of the environment.

Jeri's sessions provide insight into mastering the technique of creation and performance. The vocal journey begins in the most primitive utterances and extends to highly skilled singing. Her clinics combine development in vocal storytelling and the spontaneous act of organizing, varying, creating and performing in a musical setting.

Group sessions are great for improving ear training, sight reading and vocal technique of all levels. Repertpoire includes: jazz, musical theatre and gospel.
If you are used to singing just by yourself, singing in a group can be an invigorating experience. One of the best ways of making this adjustment is to concentrate on the sound rather than on yourself. No Experience is Necessary!!

Private Vocal Instruction 45 minute session ($30) and 2 hour session ($65)

All levels, including high school, university, retirement and Royal Conservatory preparation. Jeri's Private Intensive Consultation is also available.

Vocal Ecosystems Voice Studio Annual Summer Retreat
3 days ($150)

Reconnect with your voice through vocal technique, improvisation and stage presence in a restorative atmosphere. Vocal jazz improvisation sessions are designed to activate the mind to facilitate certain complex neuronal patterns involved in high brain activities like math and chess, sharpening concentration and your ability to function.

In one weekend experience a total vocal connection with Jeri Brown as mentor, hostess and teacher. Meeting new friends and sharing in a network of talented artists while learning new jazz tunes and fine-tuning your performance repertoire is a wonderful summer experience.

Three-day Retreat includes: Multiple Vocal practice with rhythm section and audience preparation with presentations throughout. Meals and local ground transportation included (please specify any special dietary requirements witth registration). Bring laptaps, charts, mp3s, c.d.s, manuscript paper, pencils, music composing software, press kit and comfortable walking shoes; printers, audio and video equipment will be provided. A lovely DVD will be furnished to each participant as memoribilia at the end of each session. Confidentiality respected upon request in registration. Nearby lodging information provided. Explore The Power of the Voice with Jeri in scenic Nova Scotia !! LIMITED SPACES!! REGISTER NOW!



What is Vocal Jazz? - Vocal jazz is not for every singer. From 1900-present singers implemented songs, borrowed, transformed and implemented in their own way. An insightful overview.

Working with Repertory? - Repertories refer to a stock of ready performance songs. Categorizing by style, genre, text, movement and transmission is described and discussed to organize the singer's performance songbook.

Unfolding: A Vocal Philosophy? - One necessary ingredient for adding sparkle to your singing career is to have unwittened determination and belief in yourself. Without it you stand the risk of being likened to a piece of dough for baking cookies. Any cookie cutter can make itss impression on you. More inside!

Rehearsal Book - There is a distinction between four types of rehearsals that I have found useful. They are: the first rehearsal, individual rehearasal, dress rehearsal, and nsoundcheck. Practical book for the vocalist who is leader of a band.

Performing Art? - Vocal Jazz can be distinguished from other vocal idioms in that it is primarily a singer's art...constantly evolving, composing, inventing! Have you test-marketed your potential audiences? What observations have you discovered? Imagine going to a carnival and standing on the outside of the grounds before it opens. Once inside, feeling the enjoyment, thrill and excitement of experiencing the different rides, and sights and performances, as well as looking up close at the games and trying them out for the fun and the challenge they stimulate within. Jeri teaches you a process for delivering power performances and engaging your audience emotionally. An insightful book looks into the journey of creativeness and responsibility as a vocal musician.





Text focuses on 3 areas: melody, harmony and rhythm including:

Melodic Patterns Chart - 30 jazz vocal jazz & blues vocal exercises.

Harmonic System: Major, Melodic Minor, & Harmonic Minor Patterns Book - 3 guides for jazz vocal harmonic practice.

Rhythm Book - Three-to-one rhythm practice: binary, ternary, primary exercises for the singer.

Vocal Ecosystems Text - The text describes a technique but above also a philosophy. Obviously knowing the technique iss essential, but the artist must comprehend the message contained within the philosophy to acheve perfection in this complex and subtle art. Reactions of the individual confronted to the difficulties posed by the earth and the moment are Vocal Ecosystem’s essences. There are key elements that intervene in earth, the moment and the singer. Of these elements discussed on the text, the singer is the most susceptible to making mistakes and carries the most unpredictable reactions. A performance primer for the jazz vocalist and commercial singer today.


Melodic Patterns

Harmonic System

Vocal Ecosytem Text




Jeri has presented concerts and master classes at universities, conservatories, concert halls and jazz venues in the principal cities of Canada, England, Italy, Turkey, Germany, Switzerland, Spain, France and the United States. A spontaneous and eloquent speaker, Jeri's delivery is great for artist management and women's studies presentatio

Master Class Offerings with internationally recognized Jazz Vocal Artist and Educator Jeri Brown include Sample Topics:
Color Your World - through Music Creative Consciousness
Begin by acknowledging and validating the skills and perceptions that you possess, however basic they might be. Questions to consider include: What sounds natural to you? What sounds synthetic, technical or unnatural to you? What sounds do you like? When you interpret music you create sounds from musical impressions in your mind. Vocal freedom to invent exciting solos and interpretations begins from your sense of your surroundings. Through repeated hearings and sensory experiences to draw from, you will increase your ability to interpret and UNFOLD!
Become the Postman and Envelope as a Jazz Vocal Messenger
Expand basic skills and perceptions through vocal experimenting. Through performance unleash, and unload, your vocal perceptions onto a trusting audience. When you sacrifice you achieve! Jeri incorporates specific exercises to help you expand basic skills and perceptions through improvisation. In this way, every student is a performer, conductor, composer, arranger, and improviser.
Create Mental Fuel - through Concentration
Do you concentrate when you listen and perform vocal jazz? We all know how to fix our attention on the things that interest us. When singing we concentrate to understand the language and the musical message that is being transmitted. Why then does it seem so difficult to learn to concentrate consistently? Perhaps it is because we do not really know how to handle the skills of concentration. Jeri teaches you a process for concentrating. Learn to develop independence in organizing and creating musical thought. Develop skills that afford greater performance capability and self-motivating inquiry.
Magical Groundwork - Understanding your Audience Become a Vocal Visionary - through the Spiritual Art of a SongUnderstand your Audience and become a Vocal Visionary - through the Spiritual Art of a Song. Can you get inside a song? Does your advocacy for a song start from the heart, and inspire you. And how do you manifest your spirit in song? For every song you sing there is the uncovering of an initial impression, spontaneous expression and mature composition.
Other Topics
Jeri Brown’s engaging workshops cover many of the important topics faced by professional vocalists including:
• Healthy Singing (Physical Balance, Breathe Easily, Staying Present),
• Preparing to Sing (Focusing, Movement, Warming up Your Voice),
• Selecting Music to Sing (Range & Tessitura, Melody, Text, Rhythm)
• Learning Music Efficiently (Words, Rhythm, Melody, Putting it all together)
• Practice Habits (Small Room, Checklist for Practice Session)
• Performing (Nerves, Presence, The Message)
• Improvisation
• Back phrasing
• Anticipation
• Contours
• Extra Topics (editing, silence, melismatic ornamentation, angular leaps, stick, glissando)

Contact Jeri Brown to arrange a guest masterclass from Ms. Brown or to REGISTER for Group Vocational Presentation, Group Vocals, Private Instruction, or Jazz Vocal Retreat, please send YOUR request. Include:

First Name, Last Name, E-mail & Your Comments: image3

Additional Educational Links:
Concordia University is in Montreal, Quebec, Canada where Jeri is a member of the faculty, and has served as Director of Vocal Studies since 1989. 

Contact  Jeri  for "Voice Sessions by E-mail with Jeri!" at jongleur@eastlink.ca


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